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Wisdom From Shashank

Life is full of possibilities. What are you choosing?

Negative attitudes are stored as tensions and block energy in the body. These ingrained patterns underlie many physical and psychological issues in our lives. Good news is, the moment you reconnect with your natural balance and wholeness, you start finding meaning in suffering and restore lost sense of purpose, peace, and hope.

So, if you see in retrospective, suffering is actually good as it tells you that the inner harmony is broken and bliss means harmony regained. Western psychology just helps sufferers to adjust to unhappiness but spirituality removes the dis-ease completely from its roots. 

When you start “knowing yourself,” you unburden your mind of its daily stress and anxiety. Deepen your relaxation, deepen your sleep. Be free from any rationalization. Experience a clearer headspace and experience the resultant silence that comes on its own. 

Establish harmony between your mind and the cosmos. Break the Self Hypnosis.

End suffering completely and take yourself beyond the troubling, anxious, insecure, and scared mind.



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